Tower of trample discord
Tower of trample discord

tower of trample discord

He's going to try to auto attack you then E away very often, even under your tower. You need to be very careful in this matchup, especially early game. I would recommend taking Grasp or Glacial Augment against Irelia and rushing Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps. You can charge your Q on your own low health minions forcing her to either get the minon(s) but get hit by your Q or she will miss the minion(s). A simple trick that can work against many Irelia players is to pay attention to the health of your minions, she is going to try to dash to the low health minions. The best way to deal with an Irelia is to freeze the wave under your tower, this way she will be unable to CS or Q your minions without walking far up and being vulnerable to ganks, she will not be able to dash to any minions to escape because they are in front of her. She will be cc'd for a while which will let you win the trade even though she blocked most of your Q damage. If her W is up she will use it to tank your Q, if you see her standing still with W while your Q is channeling charge it all the way. If she misses her E or R you should win the fight. She is going to be annoying, dashing all over the place and healing. A very good Irelia can easily destroy you in lane but this is very rare in low-mid elos.

tower of trample discord tower of trample discord

Most Irelia players are not good enough to pull her off to her full potential. As with any matchup that has a lot of healing in lane, you are going to want to rush Bramble Vest to reduce his healing then later upgrade into Thornmail (2nd or 3rd item). If he is able to cancel your Q, it's not a huge deal because your Q goes to a 2-second cooldown when interrupted and most people do not know that. If the Aatrox is good though, he will probably manage his cooldowns better, giving you fewer options. You can use this to your advantage by waiting for him to use his Q and W, then fight him. Aatrox is a very cooldown dependent champion and from my experience, most Aatrox players spam their abilities on cooldown pretty much.

tower of trample discord

To avoid his W, try to stand behind minions, it is hard to dodge if you are out in the open (similar to something like Illaoi E). His Q can be really annoying and his W is hard to avoid as Sion because you have very little mobility. His passive is really strong against you (doing max health bonus damage on his first auto attack). Aatrox is one of those matchups that is heavily reliant on skill and how strong Aatrox is in the meta.

Tower of trample discord